How to disable the Nether and the End dimensions

Disabling the Nether

Disabling the Nether dimension is the same for all Minecraft Java Edition servers!

First Step: Stop your server and navigate to the File Manager.

Second Step: Open the file named, find the line where it says allow-nether=true and change it to allow-nether=false.

Third Step: Restart your server from the panel!

The Nether dimension should now be disabled for everyone in your server! If you want to re-enable it, follow the steps above but change allow-nether=false to allow-nether=true.

Disabling the End

Disabling the End dimension is only possible on Spigot/Paper Servers!

First Step: Stop your server and navigate to the File Manager.

Second Step: Open the file named bukkit.yml, find the line where it says allow-end: true and change it to allow-end: false.

Third Step: Restart your server from the panel!

The End dimension should now be disabled for everyone in your server! If you want to re-enable it, follow the steps above but change allow-end: false to allow-end: true.