How to setup a whitelist

This guide will show you on how to setup a whitelist on your Minecraft Server to only let players join that you have selected.


Step 1:
Login to the Panel and select the server you want to set up a whitelist for.

Step 2:
Go to your server console and enter the following command: whitelist onThis will turn on the whitelist. Make sure you don't use a / because that is already provided.

Step 3:
To add or remove someone from the whitelist, view the whitelist, or turn the whitelist off, check out the commands below.

To add a player to your whitelist - whitelist add <playername>
To remove a player from your whitelist - whitelist remove <playername>
To view players on your whitelist - whitelist list
To turn off the whitelist - whitelist off

All of these commands work in-game as well, just be sure to add a / in front of your commands!

Step 4:
Sometimes you may need to enforce the whitelist to prevent people from joining in. You can do that by opening the file and setting the enforce-whitelist option to true. Don't forget to restart your server!
