Want to grow your audience and get supported by your favorite host? Read on!

The Partnership Program is temporarily halting new applicants. Still have a compelling pitch you want to share? Feel free to open up a partnership ticket. We're always open to a good idea!

DedicatedMC.io Partnership Requirements

Here at DedicatedMC, we want to help you and your community grow. We want to help you grow your platform and host games for your audience by your favorite host!

If you are a YouTuber, TikToker (or) and a Streamer, we want to hear from you!

Below are some guidelines for what we will be looking at when considering your application. Note, these are not hard and fast rules, but more of a guide on what we would like to see from you and your channel. The more of these that apply to you, the better the tier of product we can offer.

  • For those younger than 18 years of age, we require a Guardian's written permission to become a partner with DedicatedMC.


·  Have an account that is primarily gaming related, preferably Minecraft.
·  Have at least 5,000 subscribers.
·  Have uploaded at least 40 videos.
·  Upload at least 1-2 videos per week.


·   Have an account that is primarily gaming related, preferably Minecraft.
·   Have at least 1,000 followers.
·   Stream more than 15 hours per week.
·   Been streaming for longer than 3 months.
·   Have affiliate partnership.


·   Have an account that is primarily gaming related, preferably Minecraft.
·   Have at least 20,000 followers.  
·   Been making content for longer than 3 months.
·   Have at least 3 videos that are over 10k in views/engagement.

If we accept your application (Congratulations if you did!), we could offer the following:

· Your hosting needs met for you, your friends, and your followers.
· A fancy partnership role on Discord with access to a partners-only chat to interact with more creators.
· A customized promotion link with a promo code.

Along with what we offer, we would also expect you to advertise our services to your audience. This would be done with our media kits and link being added to stream/video descriptions, as well as referrals to our services.

If you have any questions regarding these, join our Discord and make a ticket. Our support team will be happy to help!